With everything you have to think about when using flavourings, price shouldn’t be one of them.
Our Price Promise means that if you find another price elsewhere that beats ours, we will match it, AND you still get to access our tiered discount pricing!
If you find a better price with the below exclusions in mind, please email us at info@universalflavours.com.au
Exclusions for the Price Promise:
- Price comparison is required to be from an Australian business with availability for delivery within Australia on the same day
- Only standard pricing, not sale price will be considered
- Stock liquidation pricing is not considered for Price Promise
- Must be the same size being offered
- Must be in stock
- We reserve the right to limit sales to reasonable retail quantities
- In assessing a competitor’s price, we disregard any cashback, coupon, shipping, bonus, bulk purchase, quantity limits/packages or gift card promotions they may be offering.
- Offers not available to the general public - including trade, special event, club or membership offers.
- Products shipped from or sold by third-party sellers on marketplace, auction or classifieds websites.
- Pricing errors.
- Products with pricing set significantly lower than the recommended retail price or market value.
- Pricing must be current